Protesters withdraw anti-Trump petition

April McCullum
Free Press Staff Writer
Donald Trump speaks at the No Labels Problem Solver Convention in Manchester, N.H. on Monday, Oct. 12.

An activist group has withdrawn a petition asking the Flynn Center in Burlington to cancel this week's Donald Trump political rally.

The Vermont Workers' Center took down the petition late Monday morning after "hearing a variety of feedback," according to a statement.

Trump, the front runner for the Republican nomination for president, is scheduled to speak at the Flynn Center on Thursday evening, and the announcement of the plans on Dec. 31 has stirred fierce debate in Vermont.

“We’re a nonpartisan public organization,” said John Killacky, executive director of the Flynn Center, when the event was announced. “We welcome the political discourse.”

Protesters are planning at least three events to respond to Trump's visit, and some activists planned to reserve tickets but leave their seats empty.

The Vermont Workers' Center petition — which demanded that the Flynn Center cancel the event — was criticized by Senate Republican Leader Joe Benning, R-Caledonia, who called it a "bullying tactic."

The Vermont Workers' Center said Monday that the organization opposes "hate groups and those who would divide our communities through racism, sexism, and xenophobia."

"However, hate speech is more complicated, and after hearing a variety of feedback, the VWC has withdrawn a petition related to Donald Trump’s upcoming visit to Burlington," the organization said in a statement, indicating that street protests would continue as planned.

Contact April Burbank at 802-660-1863 or aburbank@freepressmedia.com. Follow her on Twitter at www.twitter.com/AprilBurbank