Burlington vigil draws up to 2K to honor Orlando victims

Joel Banner Baird
Free Press Staff Writer

Burlington's vigil Monday evening to honor Orlando's dead and wounded reached a crescendo at about 7 p.m., when Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., urged a crowd of hundreds to create "a nation based on love."

The event began quietly, two hours earlier, at the First Unitarian Univeralist Society on Pearl Street.

About a dozen folk came inside. They murmured words of comfort, lit candles and embraced. Several dozen more people followed.

More than 1,000 people participated in a march and vigil in Burlington on Monday, June 13, 2016, to mark Saturday's mass shooting in Orlando.

Minister Mara Dowdall welcomed newcomers to "a sacred silence" in remembrance of those gunned down early Sunday morning at Pulse, a gay nightclub.

Thirty minutes later, singing filled the sanctuary: "There is More Love Somewhere," a traditional African American hymn, was followed by Holly Near's "We are a Gentle, Angry People."

The modest crowd got to its feet for a final, a rousing rendition of Woody Gutherie's "This Land is Your Land" before stepping outside. They were greeted by an LGBT-friendly crowd that police initially estimated at about 1,000 people, and said later grew to 1,500 to 2,000.

"It's the largest in memory by all accounts," Police Chief Brandon del Pozo said Tuesday.

Participants in the vigil, organized by the Pride Center of Vermont, made their somber way down Church Street among rainbow banners, scarves, capes and umbrellas; past American flags that flew at half-staff.

At City Hall Park, Sanders joined other speakers at the podium to condemn homophobia.

In counseling tolerance for moderate Muslims, Sanders also took a dig at Republican candidate Donald Trump, who has more broadly condemned people of that faith.

"We know that one hateful person committed this terrible crime — not an entire people or an entire religion," Sanders said. "To blame an entire religion for the acts of a single individual is bigotry, pure and simple. It is not what this country is about, and not what this city is about."

The crowd roared its approval.

"Our job is not to allow politicians, Mr. Trump or anyone else, to divide us up by where our family came from, the color of our skin, our religion or our sexual orientation," Sanders added.

The crowd roared again.

Burlington Police Chief Brandon del Pozo noted that, in the early days of the gay-rights movement in New York City, law enforcement officers played a repressive role — a role that has changed considerably.

"Until recently we thought maybe the work is winding down, but it's not," the chief said.

Imam Islam, left, of the Islamic Society of Vermont speaks along with other faith leaders during a vigil in Burlington on Monday, June 13, 2016, to mark Saturday's mass shooting in Orlando.

Former state Rep. Jason Lorber, who served as master of ceremonies, told the crowd that declaring one's sexual orientation is the single most powerful tool with which a person can build an LGBT-tolerant society.

"When we do that, we change the world, we change each other, and we change ourselves," he said.

Heterosexuals must mobilize, too, Lorber added: "We need you to stand up for us."

Carlos M. Gonzalez of the Pride Center of Vermont spoke at the event (in Spanish and in English, in recognition that the attack at the Pulse club took place on Latino night).

Also speaking: Mayor Miro Weinberger, Imam Islam of the Vermont Islamic Society and Kim Fountain of the pride center. All drew more cheers, tears and more upraised rainbows.

This article was first posted online on June 13, 2016, and updated on June 14. Contact Joel Banner Baird at 802-660-1843 or Do you have a breaking news tip? Call us at 802-660-6500 or send us a post on Facebook or Twitter using ‪#‎BFPTips.