Monday is Indigenous People's Day in Vermont

Free Press Staff

Gov. Peter Shumlin has proclaimed Monday "Indigenous People's Day" in Vermont, replacing what had been observed in previous years as Columbus Day.

Gov. Peter Shumlin delivers his budget address at the Statehouse on Jan. 15, 2014.


In a proclamation signed Oct. 6, Shumlin said he encouraged Vermonters to "recognize the sacrifice and contributions of the First Peoples of this land" on what has nationally been a day recognizing the arrival of explorer Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492.

The idea for Indigenous People's Day was first proposed in 1977 by a delegation of Native Nations to the International Conference on Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations in the Americas, according to the proclamation. Since then, a growing number of cities and towns in the U.S. have begun to recognize the second Monday in October as Indigenous People's Day, "re-imagining Columbus Day as an opportunity to celebrate indigenous heritage and resiliency," the proclamation states.

"The state of Vermont recognizes the historical, cultural, and contemporary significance of the Indigenous Peoples of the lands that later became known as the Americas, including Vermont, and values the many contributions of these peoples," the proclamation states. The proclamation also honors the Abenaki and their ancestors and allies, who first lived upon the lands later known as Vermont.

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